#AI Alliance

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5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Kakao 1st S. Korean firm to join global open-source AI Alliance

Kakao joins global AI Alliance for open-source AI development. [ more ]
8 months ago
Artificial intelligence

An Alliance Calling For More Open AI Should Heed Their Own Call

Facebook, IBM, and over 50 other founding members have formed an AI Alliance to promote open, safe, and responsible AI.
The alliance aims to reduce the risk of harm caused by advanced AI models and establish standards and benchmarks.
Federal support for alternative AI pipelines and nonproprietary knowledge is crucial for diversifying the tech sector and ensuring democratic safeguards for AI. [ more ]
9 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta and IBM Lead Formation of AI Alliance to Drive Open-Source Innovation

A new consortium called the AI Alliance, led by Meta and IBM, has been formed to support open-source AI.
The AI Alliance comprises 57 founding members from various sectors, including software, hardware, nonprofit, public, and academic. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Kakao 1st S. Korean firm to join global open-source AI Alliance

Kakao joins global AI Alliance for open-source AI development. [ more ]
8 months ago
Artificial intelligence

An Alliance Calling For More Open AI Should Heed Their Own Call

Facebook, IBM, and over 50 other founding members have formed an AI Alliance to promote open, safe, and responsible AI.
The alliance aims to reduce the risk of harm caused by advanced AI models and establish standards and benchmarks.
Federal support for alternative AI pipelines and nonproprietary knowledge is crucial for diversifying the tech sector and ensuring democratic safeguards for AI. [ more ]
9 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta and IBM Lead Formation of AI Alliance to Drive Open-Source Innovation

A new consortium called the AI Alliance, led by Meta and IBM, has been formed to support open-source AI.
The AI Alliance comprises 57 founding members from various sectors, including software, hardware, nonprofit, public, and academic. [ more ]
10 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta and IBM form open-source alliance to counter big AI players

IBM and Meta have announced the creation of the AI Alliance to accelerate responsible innovation in AI.
The AI Alliance aims to foster an open community, expand open-source AI models, and develop benchmarks for responsible AI systems.
Over 50 organizations and educational bodies, including Intel and NASA, are part of the AI Alliance. [ more ]
10 months ago
Business intelligence

Meta and IBM launch new AI alliance, but where's Google and Microsoft?

IBM and Meta are leading a new AI alliance focused on responsible and open AI development.
Notable industry competitors are not participating in the alliance. [ more ]
#responsible AI
10 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Global AI Alliance Aims to Accelerate Responsible and Transparent AI Innovation

IBM and Meta have formed the global AI Alliance with over 50 members.
The AI Alliance aims to foster responsible AI innovation and accessibility. [ more ]
10 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Tech world forms AI Alliance to promote open, responsible AI

Big tech brands like IBM, Meta, Intel, Red Hat, and Oracle are joining forces with universities and organizations to create the AI Alliance.
The AI Alliance aims to support open innovation, responsible AI, inform public discourse, and influence governance around AI. [ more ]
10 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Global AI Alliance Aims to Accelerate Responsible and Transparent AI Innovation

IBM and Meta have formed the global AI Alliance with over 50 members.
The AI Alliance aims to foster responsible AI innovation and accessibility. [ more ]
10 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Tech world forms AI Alliance to promote open, responsible AI

Big tech brands like IBM, Meta, Intel, Red Hat, and Oracle are joining forces with universities and organizations to create the AI Alliance.
The AI Alliance aims to support open innovation, responsible AI, inform public discourse, and influence governance around AI. [ more ]
moreresponsible AI
Ars Technica
10 months ago
Artificial intelligence

IBM, Meta form "AI Alliance" with 50 organizations to promote open source AI

IBM and Meta have announced the AI Alliance, an international coalition of over 50 organizations.
The goal of the alliance is to promote open innovation and open science in AI and provide alternatives to closed AI systems. [ more ]
10 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta and IBM launch AI Alliance' to promote open-source AI development

Meta and IBM have launched the AI Alliance, advocating for an open-science approach to AI development, which puts them at odds with rivals Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI.
The AI Alliance believes that the future of AI should be built on open scientific exchange of ideas and open innovation, including open source and open technologies. [ more ]
Ars Technica
10 months ago
Artificial intelligence

IBM, Meta form "AI Alliance" with 50 organizations to promote open source AI

IBM and Meta have announced the AI Alliance, an international coalition of over 50 organizations.
The goal of the alliance is to promote open innovation and open science in AI and provide alternatives to closed AI systems. [ more ]
10 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Meta and IBM launch AI Alliance' to promote open-source AI development

Meta and IBM have launched the AI Alliance, advocating for an open-science approach to AI development, which puts them at odds with rivals Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI.
The AI Alliance believes that the future of AI should be built on open scientific exchange of ideas and open innovation, including open source and open technologies. [ more ]
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